Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Costly Digital Marketing Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Digital marketing isn't the next big thing — it's the biggest thing happening in the marketing world right now. A recent survey by marketing optimization firm ThinkVine found that more than half of marketing executives expect to spend more of their budgets on digital advertising than on traditional advertising — like TV ads and radio plugs — within the next two years. But before you put all of your marketing dollars into online channels, here are the most critical mistakes that you should avoid in your digital marketing strategy:

Employing the wrong experts to create the website

Small to medium sized companies often hesitate to update their outdated websites or create a new website due to the fear of employing the wrong experts. This fear is justified. Due to the complexity of the internet, it is difficult for a business owner to find the right balance between price and performance. On one side of the spectrum, large agencies have large bills but offer an array of services. On the other side of the spectrum, a freelancer working alone might be a great designer but lack digital marketing knowledge and not be able to offer great service. The result is very often - a website that fails to deliver on the expectations. 

Taking Digital Marketing as Traditional Marketing’s Little Brother

It is surprising how organizations erect artificial barriers between various departments. Marketing teams have to collaborate with retail branch operations, information technology and compliance in order to align and synchronize efforts. Combining input from these functional areas obviously leads to better ideas of “what works”, which can then be injected into the digital effort.

Setting ambiguous or Wrong Objectives

Clearly understanding where you are going guarantees that you will get there. Objectives serve as the compass for insuring that a strategy’s tactics are pointed in the right direction. Many C-Level decision-makers consider “Money Saved” as their main ROI calculation, with time saved and competitive impact acting as important secondary indicators. Digital marketing strategists can lower resistance and gain support for their plans by clearly aligning their digital strategy with these factors.

For more tips and info visit us now.

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